It is time for a new “5 Songs” blogpost. Today I am sharing 5 songs for the broken hearted. Because, apart from whiskey and a dear friend, nothing comforts a broken heart better than music. I have collected 5 gut wrenching, soul searching, heart tearing songs for those who have had their heart broken. And let’s be real here, who hasn’t?
1. Don’t Hurt Yourself by Beyoncé
I feel like I say this in every music top 5, but I can fill up this entire list with Beyoncé. She is the Queen of Hearts: both broken and in love. But I chose “Don’t Hurt Yourself”, from Lemonade. Because a) that is The Cheating Album and b) the lyrics are perfection. This one is for the angry hearts.
2. Another Love by Tom Odell
This is that song that resonates with the hearts that have been broken in ten thousand pieces and only one thousand pieces where truly ever glued together again. The rest will remain broken forever. The message reminds me of “Be my number two” from Joe Jackson, except Tom Odell’s song is much darker and definite.
3. I’ve been Loving you by Otis Redding
As I mentioned in “5 Songs that will make you value life” there is something about Redding’s voice that immediately hits the right cord inside of you. It’s that cord that makes you close your eyes, cringe up your face, stamp your feet on the ground and become one with the music. This is for the hearts that weren’t ready to be broken. listen to 5 Beautiful Sad Songs for Difficult Days
4. Another Lonely Day by Ben Harper
There was a time when all I listened to was Ben Harper. There is something soothing about his voice. There is solace in this song for the broken hearted. As if having a broken heart is the key note of life and there is nothing you can do about it. There is also a little bit of hope of reconciliation one day… probably with the inevitability of another ending.
5. The Weakness in me by Joan Armatrading
As usual it was hard to choose what nr. 5 should be. So much beautiful agony to pick from, as broken hearts are probably the nr. 1 reason why people are driven to creating art. I thought about ending this list with an inspirational song: “Rise up” from Andra Day, to show there is hope after a broken heart. I also considered “Rubber & Soul” by Ane Brun, for those hearts that need to dwell on the bathroom floor just a little longer. Labrinth with “Jealous” and Olivia O’Brian with “Hate u Love u” would have been beautiful list- closers too. But watching this version of “The Weakness in me” from Joan Armatrading showed me this was the song you need to hear right now.
I hope your heart heals soon…