4 Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding

There are so many amazing benefits that come with breastfeeding your baby. Today I want to discuss four benefits that I think are most important. I have breastfed Isaya for fifteen months and even though it was hard in the beginning, extremely exhausting the entire time and inconvenient at times, it was so incredibly worth it. And now I get to do it all over again, with Alela. I am so excited about this. And here is why!

Before I go in to the 4 benefits of breastfeeding, my usual disclaimer:  I do not think that mamas who are (planning on) bottle-feeding are bad moms. I understand life is complicated and some moms will decide or are forced by circumstances to bottle-feed. There is no judgement on Columns by Kari, we all do our freaking best.

1. Breastfeeding = bonding

Breastfeeding is an amazing way for you and your baby to get to know one another and bond. When you breastfeed you spend so much time with your baby and you learn to read her cues very well. There is a lot of skin on skin contact which is good for attachment and all the hugs will make the both of you so happy. I felt so blessed when I breastfed because it made me feel very close to my baby.

2. Breastfeeding = the perfect nourishment

And then there are also the nutritional benefits. Your milk is special. It is custom- made to meet your baby’s needs. It is so amazing how your milk changes when your baby’s needs change. In the first days your milk, the colostrum, will be very rich in fat. The vitamin and mineral content will change once you start making transitional milk and mature milk. I noticed that especially when Isaya started eating solids at six months. My milk became a lot thinner. The fats in your milk are ‘smart fats’, like DHA and omega-3. You know, the ones you need to develop your brain. Other important ingredients of your milk are proteins, vitamins, minerals and iron. Breastmilk not only contains the best combination of nutrients but because your milk has high bioavailability there is hardly any waste. So what that means is that most of these high-efficiency nutrients in your milk will get into your baby’s tissue.

3. Breastfeeding = protecting your baby

Your milk will not only nourish your baby but it will also protect her. White blood cells destroy harmful bacteria. As your baby grows the concentration of white blood cells in your milk will gradually decrease, but these disease-fighting components will protect your baby from infections. Your milk also contains immunoglobulins, which are like a natural antibiotic and very helpful since your baby’s immune system is still immature. Isaya literally had only two colds in the first six months of her life.

4. Breastfeeding = good for mama

Besides the fact that you get to hug and snuggle with your baby so much, there are some other benefits for you as a mom as well. Breastfeeding stimulates nerves that send a message to your pituitary gland to secrete the hormone prolactin. This hormone not only regulates your milk production but also stimulates your motherly feelings and makes you feel relaxed. I have definitely found breastfeeding to be a natural chill pill. Another hormone, oxytocin, helps to contract your uterus back to its normal size. And last but not least breastfeeding will also help you get back in shape easier and it will save you a lot of money, because you don’t have to buy formula.

Thank you for reading!

The Breastfeeding Book – Martha and William Sears
The womanly art of breastfeeding – La Leche League

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