Thank you for visiting my website! I post three times a week on And I am a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, The Parent Voice and The Natural Parent and Love2bemama. I have done (English and Dutch) guestblogs and freelance writing for a couple of cool websites like Dr. Hauschka, Tagg Magazine, Moeders voor Moeders, Minime, Mooier Leven, Mindful Moms and Cheltenhammaman. I’ve also written series for Fabmama and Zij aan Zij, about our journey as gay parents. Click on the images below if you want to read my articles!
If you would like me to write for your website or magazine, please send me an e-mail: Or click here for more info.

Articles Promoted by Huffpost:
- Isn’t she going to miss a Father?
- Why I’m Glad my Toddler tells me “No”
- I am so Tired fo Fake Feminism, Suggesting we are “Asking for it”
- Please Don’t Ruin ‘Sex and the City’ for us

Most recent posts on Moms Beyond:
- How Motherhood Changed my Relationship with my Body
- What happens when we are dictated by fear
- When Parenting Worlds Collide
- Why are there no gay characters in kids TV shows?
- Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the kindest of them all?
- Losing friends when you become a mother

Recent Posts for Love2beMama:
- Instagram heeft mij socialer gemaakt
- Langer vaderschapsverlof voor mijn vrouw
- “Homo’s zijn raar”
- Opvoeden zonder straffen en belonen?
- Als ze maar niet lesbisch is

Recent Posts on The Natural Parent:

Latest posts on The Parent Voice:
- I am such a Lipstick Lesbian: Why did she call me a Dyke?
- Why is it Different for the Boys?
- An Islandgirl raising kids in Dutchieland
- Baby Bellies on Bikes: I’m Pregnant in the Netherlands
- Baby Bellies on Bikes: I’m missing the Caribbean
- Baby Bellies on Bikes: Gender Neutral Parenting in the Netherlands
- Baby Bellies on Bikes: Giving Birth in the Netherlands

Laatste blogposts op

Meest recente recepten op het Vega Lifestyle Magazine:
- De lekkerste veganistische pannenkoeken
- Veganistische Zwarte Bonenburger met Champignons
- In een mum van tijd de lekkerste vegan mueslirepen maken
- Overheerlijke Veganistische Brownies