Merry Christmas, dear readers! I hope I find you well this Christmas! I hope you are with loved ones, I hope you are healthy, I hope you feel joy, I hope you are grateful, I hope there is laughter and I hope you are loved. I wanted to take a moment to share a Christmas message with you all!
Strive and Sacrifice
This year was the first year I read the story of Maria and baby Jesus to Isaya. It was a special and moving experience. The story represents so much, for so many people. But for this blogpost I wanted to share two things it means to me. First of all, the sacrifice of Maria symbolizes the sacrifices moms, all over the world, make every day for their children. However small the sacrifice, it is important, because it serves something bigger. If you are mom, reading this, and you sometimes feel exhausted, scared, alone, insecure, impatient, inadequate or angry – take a deep breath. Think about how the sacrifice you are making in that moment – for instance, not sleeping, because your child is up five times each night – is for a greater good. What you do is important. What you do matters. You matter.

And second, we must all strive to do good, to be better, to try and make the world a better place, just like Jesus tried to do during his live on earth. He wasn’t just born to die for our sins: he did a whole lot of good before he was crucified. Whether it’s doing good in your community, taking care of your loved ones, trying to live a more environmentally conscious life, practicing kindness towards people, helping or healing people, saving animals, inspiring others – do it, because not only does the world need it, it will also bring purpose to your life.
Light, Love, Gratitude & New Beginnings
Light We just had the winter solstice, which means we can look forward to longer days, with more light and more sunshine. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know I am an Island girl living in Dutchie land, so you can imagine why I love all the little lights Christmas brings us during the dark December month.

Love I am lucky to be spending Christmas with the people I love and who love me. I know there are a lot of people who have lost loved ones, who feel extremely lonely during the holidays and who maybe don’t have love in their life. My thoughts always go out to these people during this time of year.

Gratitude I have two healthy, happy, wonderful, beautiful little girls. Not a day goes by that I don’t feel grateful: I am very aware of how lucky I am to have them in my life. This also feels scary sometimes: love makes you vulnerable. People often think love brings happiness. But that’s not necessarily true. It’s being able to feel grateful, thankful, for everything in your life, that determines if you are happy or not.

New Beginnings Christmas, of course, is about the birth of baby Jesus. He is a savior for some and a symbol of new beginnings for many. The birth of a child, any child, is a miracle. I think it is important to celebrate the miracle of pregnancy and birth, the tiny babies that come into this world and the mothers that gave birth to them. This is Alela’s first Christmas, which makes this Christmas extra special for us!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!