When All The Stars Aligned

I did not grow up going to church or practicing a religion. At school, we prayed and studied the Bible, but God was abstract and the Bible was just stories. I spent a good few years, when I was getting my bachelor in Art Therapy, studying different theories and philosophies, trying to define God. Trying to figure out what was out there, where it all came from, what our purpose is as human beings. What my purpose was. When I became a mother I stopped searching. Not because I didn’t care anymore, but because all the stars had aligned and I had found my purpose. I stopped searching because I started experiencing the miracle of life.

I stopped looking for a God when I experienced the miracle of pregnancy and birth. A million miraculous things had to come together in order for this tiny human being to be born. Out of nothing, something grew and came alive. And then I held her in my arms. Nothing comes closer to divinity, if you ask me.

When I held Isaya in my arms for the first time, I knew that this was what I was supposed to do. I am here, on this earth, to take care of my girls, keep them safe, make them happy. To be the best mom I can be. Teach them about kindness, show them how to live a full life, practice empathy and how to love with an open heart. I am also here to help them take care of this earth, by living greener and respecting nature, people and animals. That way many more generations can experience the gift of life and enjoy our planet. We, moms, enable that, by giving birth, by raising kind people, that care.

The song lyrics on the girls’ birth announcement cards – written by Alela Diane – describe that feeling, that divine experience and the gratitude that comes with it, for me. Those songs are very dear to my heart. And now we have them printed on two starmaps, hanging on the wall.

When I first laid eyes on Isaya’s starmap I was hit by emotion. When Greaterskies contacted me for a collab on Instagram a few months back I thought: that would be such a cool thing to have! But it wasn’t until I saw the stars, as they were on the day and hour Isaya was born above our city, that I realized what an amazing gift a starmap is.

It’s hard to describe, but the sun, stars and planets remind me that my girls and I are part of something bigger. That’s why I contacted them again, when Alela was born. I wanted to give Alela the same starmap as Isaya, but with her own stars and lyrics. I had such a lovely time working with Greaterskies the first time – they definitely have some of the kindest people working hard to make these maps become a reality. I felt grateful they wanted to collaborate again, so I could show you, my dear readers, these amazing maps and share my thoughts.

Of course you can order starmaps for other occasions as well, not just birth dates. It’s also a beautiful wedding present, a lovely way to commemorate your engagement, a special way to remember a loved one or to celebrate an important person or event in history.

Looking at the stars on our maps I am reminded of my purpose and of how lucky I am to be the mama of Isaya and Alela. Their births have been like missing pieces of the life-puzzle. No longer am I searching to make the picture complete. A miracle happened, all the stars aligned and I couldn’t be more grateful.

You can order your own starmap here.

Columns by Kari


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