Guestblog: How to save money by making eco friendly choices

written by Alicia Franklin

Holland has never been shy of its commitment to creating a green environment: from implementing world’s most sustainable transport system to building the first waste-to-chemistry plant in Europe which aims to eliminate over 300,000 tons of CO2 emissions. But we can also help our planet by living a more greener lifestyle which is in tune with making eco-friendly choices. Whether you use cruelty-free makeup and products or want to cut back on your energy bills, small changes can take care of our planet and save us some cash too! All we need to do is make these changes one step at a time, and here are some ways how you can do your bit.

Be water wise

There are countless ways to save water around the house, but do you know where and how you can save water around the home? Water doesn’t just cost us money, but it also gets wasted when we don’t conserve it. So, start off by fixing leaks, turning taps off and buying water-saving appliances in order to save your water. 

On average, 80 plastic bottles are thrown per person per year in the Netherlands and, as tap water here is drinkable there’s no reason not to keep a snazzy, reusable water bottle to refill time and time again. Only a little effort from us will go a long way to helping save both water and plastic, plus you can pocket the difference in your wallet!

Be energy wise

We all know that some of the most expensive bills are from our use of energy around the house and while we should turn off electrical appliances when they’re not in use, how many of us actually do? Smaller changes such as switching off your printer or dishwasher when you don’t need them, and turning down your heating or swapping hot for cold washes whenever possible, will also provide extra cash in your purse. Similarly, replacing your light bulbs with more energy saving alternatives can save you more than 60 Euros yearly! If you’re thinking big, projects such as installing solar panels and getting your home insulated may cost you initially, but will save you cash in the long term and is an enhancing investment for your home.

eco friendly choices

Also read: 7 ways to Minimize your Ecological Footprint

Be waste wise

Although the vast majority of our population recycles their waste, there are more ways we can care for our environment. Think about reusing or repurposing stuff around the house rather than buying them new. Can you imagine how much energy goes into making, shipping and packaging new products? Start changing your behavior for things like borrowing items from friends instead of buying them new, making chemical-free cleaners for the home, and only buying what you need from the supermarket in order to start making a difference on your spending.

It doesn’t matter whether your incentive to change is based upon saving money, caring for the environment or both, making these valuable contributions will benefit of our planet, and as a bonus, we get to pocket the difference!

About the author

Alicia Franklin is a freelance writer and researcher who has worked across a number of industries. She loves the flexibility that freelancing brings, allowing her to focus on areas that are important to her, and to achieve a balance between working and spending time with her family. She has two beautiful daughters and a loving husband.

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