From Plant to Product – The Dr Hauschka Experience

This week I had the opportunity to be part of an amazing Dr Hauschka experience. I was invited to a gorgeous dinner, met makeup artist Karim Sattar, learned more about the ingredients, products and process of Dr. Hasuchka and spent the night at a beautiful and inspiring location in Dordrecht. Having been a fan of Dr. Hauschka for many years, this was such an honor. I learned even more about the brand, met some of the sweetest bloggers and the kind Dr. Hauschka NL team. In this blogpost, I will take you along on my Dr Hauschka experience: sharing pictures from the trip, some of my favorite products and the beautiful Dr. Hauschka philosophy.

Location – A room with a view

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We were at a beautiful location in the city of Dordrect. There was a huge garden, that gave the biggest Alice in Wonderland vibes, where all kinds of fruits and vegetables grew. Fruits and veggies, we would later have for dinner! My hotel room had a beautiful view of a big pond and a beautiful maze. Behind the gates was a harbor: it did not feel like we were in the middle of a city. The sky was blue, the sun was out – Dr. Hauschka NL couldn’t have picked a better location for this amazing dinner.

Touch up with Makeup Artist Karim Sattar

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Before dinner I met up with the other bloggers and influencers: five girls from the Netherlands and Belgium. All so kind and beautiful. After working with them over a year now, I finally met the lovely Dr. Hauschka NL team. And we got a touch up from the talented Karim Sattar, makeup artist and o so lovely human being, for Dr. Hauschka.

From Plant to Product – Dinner Time

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You can find more photo’s and video’s about the Dr. Hauschka Experience on my Instastories. Go to the highlights on my Instagram page and find the “Dr. Hauschka” button!

During dinner, we got a very interesting presentation about the brand, the ingredients in the products and the Dr. Hauschka process. The fact that Dr. Hauschka is a natural and cruelty free brand is what drew me to them in the first place. But I also found out more about how Dr. Rudolf Hauschka created the Dr. Hauschka brand in 1967, with Elisabeth Siegfried. Our dinner was made with some of the ingredients that are used by Dr. Hauschka for their products. Macadamia nuts, that can be found in the foundation, apples, which are a part of the night serum formula and carrots, that are used for the Dr. Hauschka bronzer.

Holistic View – The Dr. Hauschka Logo

Dr. Hauschka uses homeopathic methods and has an Anthroposophical basis. Their logo – 3 half circles and a whole circle in the middle – represents the four layers of life. The mineral world, the plant world, the animal kingdom and humanity. The logo is not closed off, symbolizing our connection to the spiritual world as well.

Having been schooled in Anthroposophy during my Art Therapy studies, I can completely relate to Dr. Hauschka’s holistic view. They not only take into account the entire human being, when they develop a product, Dr. Hauschka researches all the powers of the ingredients, from minerals, to plants, to (some) animal ingredients (like beeswax) and even the influence of the moon and the planets.

Inner Beauty and Outer Beauty

Dr. Hauschka believes there is no outer beauty without inner beauty. Of course you need to put time in effort in your skincare and if you like, in your makeup. But there needs to be a balance: you need to take care of the inside. This means psychically: their ingredients are natural, which is great if you think about how many harmful chemicals an average woman puts in her body through her skin and by eating her lipstick. But also emotional and spiritual: you need to take the time to look inside, give room to your thoughts and emotions – take care of you.

Honest Business – The Dr. Hauschka Foundation

I also learned that Dr. Hauschka not only practices their holistic and honest views when it comes to their products, but also to their business model. I was intrigued to learn that Dr. Hauschka is a foundation. Meaning, not one CEO is making millions, but thousands of shareholders own a small piece of the brand. I like this idea, of sharing and giving back to a community.

Dr. Hauschka products

There were some amazing Dr. Hauschka products waiting for me in my room! I am soooo excited to try these products! Especially the bronzing tint and the facial toner. All the Dr. Hauschka products smell gorgeous: that is one of the reasons why I love Dr. Hauschka so much.

[Shoppable, affiliate links for my Dutchies]

I also brought along some of my favorite Dr. Hauschka makeup products for the trip, to create a natural makeup look. I will do a “Dr. Hauschka Makeup Routine” soon!

I feel so honored to have been a part of this Dr Hauschka experience! I truly love this brand and I hope that through this post you feel inspired to go a bit greener too when it comes to your skincare and makeup routine!

Thank you for reading!

3 thoughts on “From Plant to Product – The Dr Hauschka Experience

  1. I read online that some of Dr. Hauschka’s products contain emu oil. I notice that Dr. H says that Hauschka products are not tested on animals, but I wonder if they contain animal ingredients. I am guessing that using emu oil (if it truly is in Dr. H’s products) would mean that Dr. H products that contain emu oil are not cruelty free. What do you know about this matter?

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