Delicious & Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe (Vegan!)

If you follow my Instagram stories you know I have been making green smoothies and healthy froothies almost every day for the past three months. When I started I thought it was going to be a huge challenge, incorporating this new, healthy habit into my daily life. But I want to be as healthy as possible during my pregnancy and it turned out to be so easy and delicious. When Aya wakes up from her nap, we head into the kitchen, concoct ourself ourselves a green smoothie or pink froothie and have a bit of chill time before we jump into the next adventure of the day. If you want to know how to make a delicious & healthy green smoothie, that is also 100% vegan, then keep on reading!The Ingredient List

Green Smoothie Vegan

  • You can use whatever fruits you like, but if you want your smoothie to A) taste good and B) be have a green colour, you will want to use half a banana and not add any blueberries.
  • Also incredibly tasty: half an apple. If you want to add tumeric to your smoothie, it is advised to combine it with apple, pepper and oil, to optimize the absorption.
  • I alway add a third fruit, often frozen, to optimize the taste and turn it into a nice & cold drink. Frozen mango is great, because it tastes amazing and will help you get that clear, green colour.
  • For veggies you can go with a breakfast bowl of spinach or kale. Both are equally delicious if you combine them with banana. If you are new to green smoothie land and a bit on the fence about the whole “adding raw vegetables” to your drink I can promise you this: I don’t like spinach or kale when I eat it in a meal, but I love it in a smoothie. And even if you don’t end up loving it, just remember kale is so incredibly healthy, it’s worth it.
  • Because I eat plant based I need to make sure I get my Omega 3 and 6. Flaxseed oil is great, because contains omega 3, which is a bit more difficult to find in plant based foods than omega 6. That’s why I always add two tablespoons of flaxseed oil.
  • I also like to add one tablespoon of chia seeds. Chia seed not only contains omega 3, but are also rich in fibers, calcium, protein, vitamins and mineral.
  • And last but not least I put in four tablespoons of soy yoghurt, for protein, antioxidants and healthy fats. You can also substitute this for almond yoghurt/milk or oat milk if you prefer. This is a great cholesterol free alternative for dairy products.

Also read: 13 Reasons Why I Eat Plant Based

Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe

Also read: Raising my Baby Vegetarian or Vegan?


Thank you for reading!

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