My 20 Favorite Netflix Shows
If you are a mama, you know: no matter how much you love your baby, your baby-free evenings are sacred. One of the…
Read MoreHow I Clean my Make-up Brushes
Brushes are an important part of any make-up routine. The right foundation brush or sponge can mean the difference between a beautiful natural make-up…
Read MoreHow to keep your kids interested in their toys
You are in a store, your toddler gets super excited for a toy, it’s crazy expensive, but you are sure she will play…
Read MoreWorld Mama Sarah, from Northern California
Our second World Mama of 2017 is from Northern California. Sarah has two daughters: a very stubborn and energetic 5-year old little girl and…
Read MoreOne Mom’s Experience with Daycare
I stayed home with Isaya for the first seven months of her life. After that I went back to work. Because my wife…
Read MoreTalika: Beautiful Eye and Face Masks
From my evening skincare routine you know I’ve been loving the Talika Eye Dream for quite a while. In the same blog I…
Read MoreGrimms: Must Have Wooden Toys
We try to buy consciously when it comes to Aya’s toys. Obviously we want her to have toys she loves. Not just for…
Read MoreWorld Mama Irini, from Egypt
A new year, so time for new World Mamas. Last year Shannon, Emily, Natalia, Finley Kate, Youmna, Desiree, Jehava and Melissa shared their stories….
Read More7 Ways to Minimize your Ecological Footprint
I’m not a saint. I do my ‘fair’ share of contributing to environmental pollution. But as a vegetarian (part-time vegan) and nature lover…
Read MoreHow to Keep your Wardrobe feeling Brand New
I was seventeen when Mr. Big flew to Paris to get Carrie back from Alexandr Petrovsky. Sex and the City taught me all…
Read MoreBurt’s Bees for my Baby and me
Whenever someone tells me they are visiting a new born and they need to find a gift I start yelling they NEED TO…
Read More7 Tips for a New Years Cleaning
A new year always makes me want to clean our house and get organized. I am a pretty organized person all year round…
Read More8 Tips for First Time Yoga Enthusiasts
A new year is almost here and you are probably thinking about your resolutions for 2017. I’m hoping yoga will be one of…
Read MoreMy 10 Favorite Beauty YouTubers
Everything I learned about make-up I learned from YouTube. I love watching make-up tutorials. Apart from the fact that I love make-up and…
Read MoreWorld Mama Melissa from Northern Virgina
It doesn’t always come easy or natural, this #momlife. This weeks World Mama knows the struggle is real. Especially when you keep comparing…
Read MoreReviewing my Seven Week Challenge
Seven weeks ago I challenged myself to transform seven bad habits into healthier ones. Time has flown by and I promised a little…
Read MoreMom and Baby Winter Lookbook
Only four more days and it is officially winter. But lets face it, winter is already here. It. Is. Cold. And that’s not…
Read More7 Things you don’t know about me
I have been blogging for almost four months. Since september I have been sharing stories about motherhood, breastfeeding and baby wearing, tips about…
Read MoreWorld Mama Jehava, from Pennsylvania
One of the things I love most about ‘my’ World Mamas is their honesty. Last week’s World Mama talked about what becoming a mother…
Read MoreMoving into to Human Body
Sometimes, when I look at my daughter and see how much pain and effort go into growing her tiny little body, I think…
Read MoreA Dress to Impress: Christmas Edition
I guess a lot of the time we dress to impress others. Because we want that job, lover or friend. As a lover…
Read MoreOne Mom’s Experience with Co Sleeping
I first read about attachment parenting during my pregnancy, in Mayim Bialik’s book Beyond the Sling. When I read about natural birth, sensitive responsive…
Read MoreWorld Mama Desirée, from Curaçao
This week another amazing World Mama. After last weeks inspiring story about expatlife in Angola, we are moving on to Amsterdam mama Desirée. There are…
Read More7 Things I want to do Differently Next Time Around
I did a lot of reading during my pregnancy. Reading has always been a way for me to understand things, cope with situations…
Read MoreHair Care Routine: Tips for Thin Damaged Hair
My hair…For the longest time I could not talk about my hair without sighing. My hair is thin and frizzy, it breaks super easily,…
Read More10 Tips for Pregnant Mamas
As I mentioned before I loved being pregnant, even though I was nauseous pretty much 24/7. I didn’t care, because it was everything I had…
Read MoreWorld Mama Youmna, living in Angola
It’s Wednesday, so I am excited to share another World Mama with you guys. Last week you read Olivia’s story, written by her…
Read MoreMy Fearless Baby
In many of my childhood memories I am standing in our garden in Curacao looking up, seeing my sisters legs dangling from a…
Read MoreHomemade Veggieburgers!
Even though I ate every imaginable vegetable during my pregnancy and my milk probably tasted like a mixture of broccoli and Brussel sprouts,…
Read More10 Things I am Thankful for
Obviously we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the Netherlands. But I do think we need it. We need a day on which we all come…
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